
Please contact Julie if you require an assessment, training package, speech and language screening service, or regular therapy for:

  • children with speech and/or language delays or disorders

  • adults who have had a stroke

  • adults with learning difficulties who need help with feeding issues or communication

  • schools who require baseline assessments for pupils experiencing difficulty with speaking, listening, reading, writing, spelling and social communication

  • teachers and support assistants who work with children on the autistic spectrum of disorders

  • teachers and support assistants who work with children experiencing difficulties with literacy, language or speech

  • Parents who require an Expert Witness for Special Educational Needs Tribunals (SEND)

Assessment and therapy services are available in Leicestershire, Warwickshire, and Northamptonshire. An initial consultation will last approximately 1 – 1.5 hours and includes:

  • a detailed case history 

  • screening assessment of speech, language and/or communication skills

  • written and/or verbal advice

Therapy sessions are 30 – 45 minutes depending on age and ability. They may involve any one or a combination of:

  • verbal advice and demonstration of strategies needed to improve communication skills.

  • one-to-one speech and/or language therapy

  • advice to school staff / carers etc.

EHCP Assessment & report A detailed assessment of speech, language and social use of language skills for the purpose of applying for an Educational, Health & Care Plan. This may take up to four hours to complete and may involve seeing the client over two separate sessions in order to complete the assessment. Appointments can be made for most locations in the England and Wales. FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES, PLEASE USE THE ON-LINE ADVICE FORM.